Never let the odds of failing stop you.
On a cold November Friday in my downtown office, I found this card on my desk. It was from an ex-boss and mentor of mine. She saw me in the office and decided at a whim that it's time to pass on this card that had adorned her work cabinet for a few years.
This message could not have come at a better time. Having spent almost a full year soul searching to find the next step in my career, I finally learned where I should head next in my journey. But it had been tough to take the plunge. This quote really pushed the envelope for me.
I want to become a professional coach dedicated to helping people get the most out of their life and career.
It has been overwhelming at times transitioning from someone with a corporate job to a rookie entrepreneur. Thankfully, that feeling has been overpowered by the joy I get from pursuing my calling and seeing my clients succeed.
What is something that you know you were meant to do but you have been holding back? What are the odds you are afraid of? Please comment below. Save this quote if it inspires you. Share it with someone. By sharing with others, you are giving them an opportunity to give whatever they are not trying a second chance.
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