Find Your Spark
Our "spark" — sometimes known as our “essence" or "true nature" — is akin to the concept of "values" in psychology. Values represent our basic motivations and can help us express our identity and what is important to us. Many research papers have demonstrated that being aware of one’s values can help people make effective life and career choices, build resilience, and develop a sense of purpose.
Find Your Spark is a questionnaire designed to help you discover your values — and yourself.
This project was created during Iris Cai's studies for her Master of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. To learn more about the theories and research behind the design of this questionnaire, download her paper from the Penn Scholarly Commons: The Protagonist-Using AI & Storytelling to Make Value-Based Career Decisions.
Enjoy this questionnaire? Was it helpful to you? Iris would love to hear what you think.
“Beyond the limitations of our personalities, each of us exists as a vast, largely unrecognized quality of Being or Presence — what is called our Essence … within each person is an individual spark of the Divine.”